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Lundeby drakt (costume)

click on the picture to get a larger image
Nina is my nephews girlfriend. This picture was taken by me in July 2006. It was a big day, my parents first great grand childs christening.
May-17-flowers.JPG (39149 bytes)Take a close look at this beautiful picture. It is Bente and her daughter Marina in their Lundeby-drakt.

Thank you to Jørn, Bentes brother, for the picture!



marte.jpg (39578 bytes)This is Marte on her confirmation. She is the sister of my sister-in-law. Marte got her Lundeby drakt for her confirmation.
She is the first one I have seen with a cape to her Lundeby drakt.
lundebyry.jpg (63121 bytes)The back on  my friend Gretes black Lundeby drakt
wenche2.jpg (50674 bytes)Wenche in her Lundeby drakt with a short jacket. 



Photo: Laila N. Christiansen 2001

lundeby3.JPG (40903 bytes)Here you can see Wenche in her Lundeby drakt. You can also see her sister Turid in the Hedmarksbunad.
lundehvit.jpg (18025 bytes) Here you can see the back on a white Lundeby drakt. Notice the beautiful embroideries!

The artist, Ulf Lundeby lived in Lillehammer when he made this bunad for a friend on her 50th birthday in 1932. Lundeby was born in Solør in Hedmark, and because of that, many people from that district feel they can use this as a costume from that area. The bunad is also very common in Oppland county. The costume is not yet certified as a bunad, but will hopefully be in a few years.