Welcome to Norske Bunader!









sognsax2.JPG (32979 bytes)I met this girl on 17. May 2002, she plays her tenor saxophone in our local marching band.
mariann.jpg (54321 bytes)This is Mariann and her little daughter, 17. May 2000. Mariann in her beautiful Sognebunad. Mariann's daughter is wearing a "childrens bunad", used all over the country. 



Thank you for the photo, Mariann!

More about the Sognebunad

Anna Knudsen created a bunad of this type in the 1920s, and it is principally based on material collected from the centre of the Sogn region. This bunad is not typical of a particular period, but is modelled on garments dating from a number of periods with slightly different styles of dress.

To the left you can see more details from the bunad.