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Kyst drakt

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samlet.jpg (26153 bytes)I think this is two of the most beautiful pictures i have got on my pages. A whole family in Kyst-drakt, picture taken by the ocean.
forside.jpg (53253 bytes)On this picture you can see more of the womans Kyst-drakt.
damerygg.jpg (7340 bytes)This is the "trademark" for the Kyst-drakt. The white bird on the shawl. The bird is a tern.  It is embroidered on the back on both the woman, man, and childrens costumes. 

Thank you to the Kystdrakten as for letting me use their pictures.

This is Jørgen in his male Kyst-drakt. Picture was taken in June 1994, on his daughters confirmation day. Jørgen live with his family in Troms.
This is Mari in her "Kyst-drakt" (Coast costume). It is used along the coast, from south to north of Norway. On the back it is embroideries of a seagull.

More about the Kyst-drakt

People along our coast has very enthusiasticly taken this costume to their heart. It was made in the late 1980s. The reason for the Kyst-drakt was that the people living on the norwegian long coast did not have the same connection to our bunads as the people living in the inland.

The Kyst drakt is inspired from the old traditions on the coast-peoples attire, the embroideries of the flora typical for the coastline, and the costumes are timeless and confortable to wear.

Kyst-drakten is sold by the company Kystdrakten as, run by Eva Ramberg Mo. It even has its own newspaper, Dønningen, published once a year.