Welcome to Norske Bunader!








Rogalandsbunad from Jelsa in Ryfylke

Tone has sent me some great pictures of herself and her bunad from Rogaland. You can visit Tone on her own homepage

Nordaker Bunader AS  gives a small history of the bunads from Rogaland. It gives also some pictures, both of the Jelsa, but also, the other regions patterns and specialities on the embroideries.

Tone has made the bunad herself, what a wonderful job she did! Click on the images to see larger pictures.

These three pictures shows the Rogalandsbunad with and without the shawl, and also one with a cape, a very useful piece of garment when living in Norway!
This is the back of the shawl, beautiful embroideries with patterns from Jelsa.




The purse also have the beautiful embroideries. Notice the silver belt!



This is the front of the bodice, red damask, silver-bands, and a beautiful "sølje" on the skirt.