Welcome to Norske Bunader!








Bunad traditions in Norway

In Norway it is common to wear bunad as a costume in connection with various celebrations. Its use has reached far outside folk dancing and folk music. Even at official junctions you will see especially women dressed in bunad. It is not possible to state accurately the number of different types of bunads in Norway, ther may be around 200.

The various bunads have their own distinct origin. Some of them are based on local customs dating way back, other models are reconstructions made in this century, relying on local and historical material. The interest for bunads started with the folk dance movement at the beginning of the 19th century and may be accredited to pioneers like Hulda Garborg (1862-1934) and Klara Semb (1884-1970). Their work has been followed up by entusiasts all over the country and new variations in bunads ar appearing all the time.

In 1947 an official institution was organized to act in an advisory capasity on all questions dealing with bunads in Norway. - "Landsnemda for Bunadspørsmål".

In folk costume research one differentiates between bunad and folk costume. "Folk costume" being the local dress in previous times with all its variations and use. Bunads are used for festive occations and today they date back to the folk costume tradition of the 19th century.

In some parts of the country folk costume tradition was alive well into the 19th century. Bunads with such long tradititions are to be found in the Bergen area on the west coast, in Setesdal in the south, in some districts of Telemark, Numedal, Hallingdal, Gudbrandsdalen and at Røros in eastern Norway.